Young voters can save the planet

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Young voters can save the planet

Young voters can save the planet


Author: Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez

For America’s young voters, famished for positive action on climate change, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 is cause for celebration. The passage of this landmark legislation is a signal to young climate activists across the country that unprecedented progressive change is possible. For the millions of young Americans who flocked to the polls in 2020, many for the first time, it’s a bracing reinforcement that their votes - and their ongoing political engagement for a healthy planet and healthy communities - can make a critical difference. Certainly, this bill is far from perfect. For those of us who believe an end to fossil fuels is central to our survival, there are more carrots and loopholes for polluting industries than we would have hoped. But it’s nonetheless a substantial down payment on the transformative changes that young people, here and across the globe, have been clamoring for.