XOCEAN - Delivering carbon-neutral, economic, safe and quality ocean data to the world’s largest companies

XOCEAN - Delivering carbon-neutral, economic, safe and quality ocean data to the world’s largest companies

XOCEAN works with an extensive range of customers across many sectors, however what they all have in common is the ambition to reduce carbon emissions and improve marine safety. The three key benefits that XOCEAN provide; safety, environment, and economics align closely with the core objectives and requirements of their clients. Traditional energy is quickly shifting toward more sustainable solutions. XOCEAN’s vision of a green future is one where innovative marine companies work together to gather and deliver ocean data that is both low-risk and low-carbon. Rather than using conventional ships with a full crew, XOCEAN has developed a technology called the XO-450 Uncrewed Surface Vessel (USV). The vessel is the size of an average car and half the weight. Travelling out to sea, the vessel collects data from the marine environment while emitting just 0.1% of the carbon of traditional ocean vessels. XOCEAN offset all carbon emissions, and as a result they deliver carbon neutral data to their clients.