Why Is the World Ignoring the Latest U.N. Climate Report?

Why Is the World Ignoring the Latest U.N. Climate Report?

Why Is the World Ignoring the Latest U.N. Climate Report?

Source: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/03/un-climate-report.html

Author: David Wallace Wells

In late 2018, the United Nations published its landmark IPCC study  "Global Warming of 1.5°C."Sometimes called the  "Doomsday" report, it outlined the dramatic outcomes - 150 million additional deaths from air pollution, once-a-century floods hitting every year - if the world became just half a degree warmer than the Paris Agreement's  stated goal of limiting warming to one and a half degrees above the preindustrial average. Along with astonishing declines in the price of renewable energy, that alarmism helped produce an unprecedented wave of national "net zero" commitments; a growing rhetorical dedication by the world’s most powerful to the principle, at least, of “climate justice”