War in Ukraine: Tracking the impacts on German energy and climate policy

Germany will build two LNG import terminals, said chancellor Olaf Scholz.

War in Ukraine: Tracking the impacts on German energy and climate policy

War in Ukraine: Tracking the impacts on German energy and climate policy

Source: https://www.cleanenergywire.org/news/ukraine-war-tracking-impacts-german-energy-and-climate-policy

Author: Sören Amelang, Kerstine Appunn, Benjamin Wehrmann, Julian Wettengel

Amid an unprecedented rise in natural gas prices in Germany, the government has agreed on an additional levy on natural gas to help avoid impors going bankrupt over the coming winter. “The goal is to avoid insolvencies and cuts in gas supply throughout the energy crisis caused by the Russian attack on Ukraine,” the economy and climate ministry (BMWK) said. Impors of gas had to face rapidly rising prices since the war stad, a situation particularly difficult for providers with many long-term customers that are legally entitled to receiving gas at fixed rates. Due to the levy, the price per kilowatt hour (kWh) of gas for final customers will increase between 1.5 and 5 cents, once the levy is passed on by providers.