Want to combat both food waste and climate change? Both tasks can be completed by a single app.

Want to combat both food waste and climate change? Both tasks can be completed by a single app.

Over the past eight years, a Danish company has worked to lower that percentage by assisting eateries with their food pricing.

Businesses who partner with Too Good To Go can sell their day's end leftovers for 60% to 80% discount. The app's developers claim that by linking hungry, frugal consumers with extra food, they are reducing waste one bag of saved food at a time. 2015 saw the launch of the app in Denmark. More than a dozen U.S. locations, including New York, Phoenix, and Seattle, as well as 17 different nations currently have participating stores. 

The lower price and the recovered business expenses, according to MacAulay, are excellent side effects but aren't the major focus. He claims that preventing food waste is the main motivation. "Because it contributes so much to CO2e," The carbon dioxide equivalent of a product's entire greenhouse gas emissions is known as CO2e. An individual's total lifetime climate impact is increased by the purchase of a "surprise bag," according to the app. It illustrates how much electricity and carbon emissions were saved from being wasted.