Turned methane ambition into action

Image Source: https://www.catf.us/

Turned methane ambition into action

Turned methane ambition into action

Source: https://www.catf.us/2022/12/milestones-toward-a-zero-carbon-future/


At COP27 in Egypt, alongside CATF, U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry announced that more than 150 countries have now joined the Global Methane Pledge to cut collective methane emissions 30% by 2030. Of those 150, dozens have now developed national methane action plans or are in the process of doing so, with progress being made on financing, policy, and new pathways to drive emissions reductions from the energy, agriculture, and waste sectors.  We also saw the U.S., EU, Canada, UK, Norway, Japan, and Nigeria share major new methane announcements that put in place actionable policy on the path to meeting the Global Methane Pledge, many with the help of CATF. We worked with ColombiaEcuador, and Mexico on their efforts to tackle methane pollution in 2022, and worked with Nigeria to develop the first-ever African rules to reduce methane emissions from its oil and gas sector. In 2022 our work expanded, with $3 million in Global Methane Hub funding to power new work to reduce methane emissions from the global waste sector in 2023.