Time to reduce air pollution

Image Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/

Time to reduce air pollution

Time to reduce air pollution

Source: https://www.greaterkashmir.com/todays-paper/editorial-page/time-to-reduce-air-pollution

Author:  Gk Editorial Desk

According to doctors, Srinagar City has highest incidence of lung cancer in the country and that Jammu and Kashmir has a huge burden of chronic lung diseases. Air pollution is said to be the major risk factor for such diseases. This represents a grim scenario on health front. It seems that there are other priorities at individual, community and governmental levels. This serious issue can no longer be ignored. Ignoring it can lead to serious consequences. Awareness must be created among the people on large scale about air pollution. Then necessary steps must follow also. Experts say that burning of biomass is main source of air pollution in Kashmir. The other sources of pollution include unregulated establishment of cement factories and brick kilns and increasing vehicular traffic on Srinagar roads and the roads in other towns. Sometimes even the best of plans remain on papers only and those do not get implemented effectively. Reducing the air pollution is becoming very important with every passing day. If continued to get neglected, Srinagar and other towns in Kashmir may also land in the category of the places having high level of air pollution.