This is how solar panel recycling can be scaled up now

This is how solar panel recycling can be scaled up now

This is how solar panel recycling can be scaled up now


Unlike many consumer electronics, solar panels have a long lifespan that extends 20 to 30 years. In fact, many panels are still in place and producing from decades ago. Because of their longevity, solar panel recycling is a relatively new concept, leading some to wrongly assume that end-of-life panels will all end up in the landfill. Solar panel recycling companies are developing the technology and infrastructure to process the upcoming volume of end-of-life solar. In the last year, recycling companies are also commercializing and scaling the recycling and recovery processes. The recycling company SOLARCYCLE working in cooperation with solar providers like Sunrun can recover up to approximately 95% of a solar panel’s value. These can then be returned to the supply chain and used to manufacture new panels or other materials. In the past decade, solar has made great strides by becoming the dominant renewable energy source. But scaling is no longer enough. It will take more than disruptive technology to make clean energy affordable as well as truly clean and sustainable.