Thinking of buying a battery to help power your home?

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Thinking of buying a battery to help power your home?

Thinking of buying a battery to help power your home?


More than 30% of Australian homes have solar systems. They typically generate more than is needed during the middle of the day, less than is needed during morning and evening demand peaks, and nothing at night. If you don’t have a battery, when you need more power than your solar system generates it’s impod from the grid. You can also export surplus energy to the grid and be paid for it. But, as solar capacity grows, the maximum power new solar system owners are allowed to export is being limited in many locations. And if too many people in your street are exporting, the local voltage will go high and solar invers will curtail generation. For these households, a battery with an 8kWh capacity could handle the energy transfer most days. However, the average energy transferred each day is only 4kWh because some days have low surplus generation or low overnight demand. Households with large solar systems and large daily energy imports from the grid can transfer more.The battery itself will limit rates of charging and discharging. If you are generating more power than it can handle, some of the surplus will be expod or the solar output could be curtailed. If your load is more than it can handle, you will need extra power from the grid.