The Race to Net-Zero Emissions by 2030

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The Race to Net-Zero Emissions by 2030

The Race to Net-Zero Emissions by 2030


Author: Jean-Martin Provencher 

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global emissions must be halved by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050 to avoid climate catastrophe. The adtech industry is starting to do its part, with agencies like WPP, Havas and OMG committing to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030. While this is a great start, the question is, what will it take to convince the entire adtech industry to achieve net-zero emissions by this key deadline? Here’s what Jean-Martin Provencher, senior product manager at Sharethrough, has to say. The internet generates approximately 4% of global carbon emissions, which is more than the civil aviation industry. Since advertising powers much of the internet, digital advertising is a big part of those carbon emissions, especially considering that the energy required to deliver just 1 million ad impressions generates about 1 metric ton of CO2, which is about the same as one round trip flight from Boston to London, per person!