The Ocean Cleanup is launching its most efficient technology yet

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The Ocean Cleanup is launching its most efficient technology yet

The Ocean Cleanup is launching its most efficient technology yet



The GPGP is a gigantic mass of plastic, fishing nets, and other human-made, non-biodegradable debris that spans the ocean between California and Hawaii. It’s total size makes up an estimated 1.6 million km2 across the Pacific Ocean – yes, it’s utterly huge. Scientists believe the GPGP stad forming in the 70s, when plastic became a household staple around the world. Fast forward to today, and putting a stop to its growth hasn’t been easy, with around 12 million tons of plastic continuing to be dumped in our oceans every year. In July 2022, The Ocean Cleanup repod they had already collected 108,526kg of plastic from the GPGP using System 002. It’s very difficult to imagine this figure, so just know that this is heavier than the combined weight of 2.5 Boeing 737 airplanes. Right on! Pulled by the ships, a gigantic 2,500 metre-wide and 4-metre-deep net system will sweep and funnel the debris. Immediately after being pulled onto the ship, the waste will be sod, placed into shipping s, and sent to processing plants for recycling or repurposing.