The Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on Climate Change Policy

The Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on Climate Change Policy

The Impact of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on Climate Change Policy


Author: Steve Cohen

The goal of energy independence has never been realistic; it is simply an exercise in deceptive political symbolism. The recklessness of the Russian invasion was never more apparent than last week’s attack and near destruction of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southeastern Ukraine. We will return to the long-term threat of global warming soon enough. For now, the people of Ukraine deserve our help, support, and prayers. The effort to reduce greenhouse gas pollution will be a generation-long process. Unlike many other forms of pollution, carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and methane emitted from agriculture and waste are deeply imbedded throughout our economy. The process of reducing these pollutants will take time. With ingenuity and determination, dangerous pollutants can be reduced. When this form of pollution is under control, reduction of the long-term accumulation of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere with government-funded carbon capture and storage can be done.