Sustainability: The Cycles of Fashion
Author: Barbara Smith
According to a study from IBM and the National Retail Federation, 70% of consumers in the U.S. and Canada think it is important for a brand to be sustainable or eco-friendly (as repod by Barron's). This newfound focus on how brands can lessen their environmental footprint also means that consumers may not be as keen on buying new products. But there is also a chance for misinformation to spread even when it has been framed as a good thing. The Higg Index has proved to be a disruptor in the retail space. Launched in 2011, the rating system helps apparel and footwear companies to better understand their impact on the environment. A recent report by the New York Times indicates that while the intention of the Higg Index is good, it seems to favor synthetic mate-rials (i.e., vegan leather) over those that may be more sustainable. While major players in the retail space have stad to work with this system, it may be doing more harm than good.