South Korea is building the world’s first self-sustaining “floating city”

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South Korea is building the world’s first self-sustaining “floating city”

South Korea is building the world’s first self-sustaining “floating city”


Author: Anne Quito

In South Korea’s largest port (and second-largest city), a prototype for the world’s first self-sustaining floating city is emerging. The first segment of the project should be ready by 2025. The design concept for the so-called Oceanix Busan which was announced at the UN headquars yesterday, is compelling. Architectural renderings showcased a 15.5 acre area for 12,000 people built on a trio of buoyant platforms that can support the full range of urban infrastructure - from apartment buildings, markets, offices, parks, green energy grids, to hydroponic farms. The smart city that will generate 100% of its energy and water needs. While there are several innovative flood-proof settlements around the world -  HafenCity in Germany, "sponage cities"   in China, and Appgrading Wet Slums   in Bangladesh among them - Oceanix Busan is a first attempt to erect a fully sustainable city from scratch.