Smithsonian Launches “Life on a Sustainable Planet” Climate Change Initiative

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Smithsonian Launches “Life on a Sustainable Planet” Climate Change Initiative

Smithsonian Launches “Life on a Sustainable Planet” Climate Change Initiative


Smithsonian’s latest major effort to collect new data about the changing planet, implement holistic and multi-scale approaches to environmental conservation, and educate the world about why and how sustainable solutions to climate change can benefit people and nature. Through Life on a Sustainable Planet, the Smithsonian aims to promote evidence-based decision making, working in concert with local communities, to address the climate crisis. Life on a Sustainable Planet will use the Institution’s 176-year history of scientific research and data gathering across a global network of research centers, its expansive museum collection and its diverse set of exhibits and educational programs to produce, curate and communicate strategies for adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate change to the public. The Institution will pioneer new technologies to collect environmental data, develop new platforms to analyze and share these data and work with partners and communities to inform conservation action.