Samsung: Sustainable smartphone?

Samsung: Sustainable smartphone?

Samsung: Sustainable smartphone?


Samsung has outlined its accomplishments and future goals for its mobile devices as part of its "Galaxy for the Planet" efforts. This "commitment to acting more sustainably across its mobile product lifecycles and business operations" has seen Samsung set a shor-term goal of 2025 for accomplishing a slate of eco-conscious initiatives. They include: Incorporating additional recycled materials into all Galaxy-branded products, with the goal of "using recycled material across all new mobile products by 2025, Eliminating all plastic from its mobile device packaging by 2025, and replacing it with more "eco-conscious solutions, Reducing the standby power consumption of its smartphone chargers from their current 0.02W to 0.005W by 2025, with an eventual goal of zero standby consumption, and Achieving zero waste going to landfills from its mobile worksites by 2025, with additional measures to reduce e-waste through optimizations across its product lifecycle, design philosophies, and recycling programs.