Rising challenges in biodiversity conservation

Rising challenges in biodiversity conservation

Biodiversity conservation is facing increasing challenges due to various environmental and human activities. Campaigners highlight issues such as forest fires, encroachment, deforestation, poaching, and smuggling, pointing out the need for a multifaceted approach to address these concerns.

Original article written by: Rastriya Samachar Samiti

Environment protection campaigners have highlighted the growing challenges facing biodiversity conservation. Issues such as forest fires, encroachment, deforestation, poaching, and smuggling have been particularly problematic. These concerns were discussed at a training program titled 'Minimizing Impacts of Climate Change,' organized by Krishnabaijanath Multiple Campus in Shuklaphanta municipality-10, Jhalari, to mark the International Day for Biodiversity. Bhim Prasad Kandel, Chief of the Division Forest Office in Kanchanpur, pointed out that the declining forest area, driven by rising human needs, is a significant concern.

Kailali and Kanchanpur districts have recorded the highest number of forest encroachments in the country, posing additional challenges to the conservation of wildlife habitats and wetlands. Kandel noted the visible impacts of climate change, with increasing earth temperatures causing plants and animals traditionally found in the Terai to migrate to hilly areas. Siddharaj Bhatta, Chair of the Campus Management Committee, pointed out the importance of raising awareness about biodiversity conservation at the school level. Deputy Chief of the campus, Bhavraj Niraula, called for greater attention to protecting grazing areas, which are crucial for the livelihood of local communities and the animals in natural habitats, including parks and protected areas. Sher Bahadur Saud, a Campus Management Committee member, advocated for the use of renewable energy to reduce reliance on forests.


In conclusion, addressing the challenges of biodiversity conservation requires a multifaceted approach. Efforts must include raising awareness, protecting critical habitats, and adopting sustainable practices such as the use of renewable energy to reduce reliance on forests. The University Grants Commission provided financial support for the training program.