Researchers contend that addressing the climate catastrophe requires reducing inequality.

Researchers contend that addressing the climate catastrophe requires reducing inequality.

Original article written by: University of Cambridge

As inequality limits who can realistically adopt low-carbon behaviors, researchers contend that addressing inequality is essential to bringing the world closer to Net-Zero. Their report was recently published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

They claim that in order to effectively prevent climate change, adjustments must be made throughout society. Rich people have very high carbon footprints, but they also frequently have access to easier ways to lessen their carbon footprint than persons with lesser incomes.

According to the study, there is a dearth of governmental acknowledgement of the obstacles that may impede individuals from adopting more environmentally friendly practices. Making more plant-based meat substitutes: at the moment, plant-based meat substitutes are typically more expensive than the animal products they are intended to replace. One of the most effective lifestyle adjustments a person can do to lessen their carbon footprint is to eat more plant-based foods rather than meat and items generated from animals.