Providing ‘bed and breakfast’ for the pollinators

Providing ‘bed and breakfast’ for the pollinators

Providing ‘bed and breakfast’ for the pollinators


The Netherlands is using bee hotels to save its bees, half the country's native bee species are under threat, But 75% of Dutch crops depend on pollinators, and since the Netherlands is the world's second-largest agricultural expor, this is a huge problem, so the Netherlands has been building 'bed and breakfast' for bees, Utrecht made a huge bee hotel on a billboard, it has more than 200 nesting sites, and is surrounded by a 7000-meter square, wildflower meadow, that provides plenty of food for its residents, the city also installed green roofs on 316 bus stops, perfect habitats for bees and other insects. Meanwhile, Amsterdam has been replacing green spaces with native plants, and has banned the use of pesticides on public land, the diversity of bee species has increased by 45% since 2000, the Netherlands has also planted 'honey highways' strips of wildflowers along major roads, to provide more food sources for wild bees, following these initiatives, Dutch urban bee populations have begun to stabilize, After a recent period of decline, What could you do to help bees in your area?