Promote urban ecomobility with vouchers and methods to prevent bike theft

Promote urban ecomobility with vouchers and methods to prevent bike theft

Promote urban ecomobility with vouchers and methods to prevent bike theft


Author: Aurora Velez

Chiara, uses a bike every day. What she enjoys most about the app is the "Savemybike" function that tells her the safest places to park her bike. But the platform also offers a useful gift for those who sign up, a passive radiofrequency Identification-Based sensor that can be added to a bike and tracked if the vehicle is stolen. "There is a specific place to insert the sensor into the bike. You pull up the saddle and insert it in. And then, in case the bike is stolen, I take the phone with the app and there's the possibility to report that it's stolen and then, through the city police, I can find it", explains Chiara Pazzagli. The project has a total budget of 815,007 euros and is 44.9% funded by the European Union's cohesion policy (by 366,753 euros). Within the first week of the launch of the application, 300 people registered. The target is to reach 5,000, according to the platform, and rank Pisa up as a bicycle-friendly city.