Power Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute Launches - Solar + Wildlife

Power Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute Launches - Solar + Wildlife

Power Renewable Energy Wildlife Institute Launches - Solar + Wildlife

Source: https://cleantechnica.com/

The American Wind Wildlife Institute (AWWI) has just become the Renewable Energy Wildlife Energy Wildlife Institute (REWI). AWWI, now REWI (pronounced “ree-why”), is a unique organization that brings together key stakeholders committed to expanding the scale and role of renewable energy in our power supply, while addressing wildlife and habitat issues at the same time. The organization has been funding critical field research to help close gaps in understanding of the impacts of renewables on wildlife and habitat. And it has been sharing those findings broadly to better inform siting and permitting decisions around particular projects, and to spur innovations in avoiding and minimizing impacts. It has also served as a convenor of those key stakeholders to ensure better communication and coordination of research findings and needs.