Plastic pollution in the oceans is an equity issue, says new report

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Plastic pollution in the oceans is an equity issue, says new report

Plastic pollution in the oceans is an equity issue, says new report


Author: Hannah Hickey

Less recognized is how marine  waste affects human populations, and the unequal burden on different communities. A new report, "Towards an Equitable Approach to Marine Plastics Pollution," outlines the current situation and attempts to address the problem. The report, published in late November, includes 31 authors from nine countries. It incorporates case studies and analyses from around the world as well as larger, overarching recommendations for change. The authors conclude that coastal communities most affected by marine  should be better represented in drafting potential solutions. A free, virtual event in March will bring together stakeholders from around the world to draw up a road map for an equity-focused path to address marine plastics. The Ocean Nexus Center was founded in 2019 as a 10-year initiative based in UW EarthLab that includes more than 20 member universities and organizations around the world. Its mission is to bring together equity and justice in the oceans on a global scale. Increasingly, the  causing climate change are seen as an issue in which some countries produce most of the pollution while other countries or groups are more at risk from the long-term consequences. Plastic pollution, this report argues, is a similar issue for coastal communities.