Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi announces plan to reduce carbon emissions

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Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi announces plan to reduce carbon emissions

Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi announces plan to reduce carbon emissions


Author: Cooper Dehr

Penn State announced it will be immediately implementing several recommendations by the Carbon Emission Reduction Task Force,  according to President Neeli Bendapudi.Bendapudi said the processes will include "the university’s fleet to electric vehicles and pursuing a second renewable electric generation purchase." The university said in a release that it will be taking steps to achieve a "goal of 100% emissions reduction by 2035." In spring 2021, former Penn State President Eric Barron tasked 23 faculty members and students to create a plan addressing climate change. The Carbon Emissions Reduction Task Force released a report a year later that provided the university with the goal to reduce emissions.  “Since arriving, I have learned of the tremendous progress that Penn State has made in reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” said Bendapudi. “I am grateful to the Carbon Emissions Reduction Task Force for their work in identifying potential solutions for our great university, and I am pleased to support the initiation of several recommendations that will make a significant impact.” According to the release, the university said it plans to do the following: Continue the Energy Savings Program, Pursue another renewable electric generation purchase, Downsize and electrify the university fleet, Expand the Sustainable Labs program, Inventory emissions at affiliate locations, and Explore carbon offsets. “With a committed and focused effort," Bendapudi said, "we can strive to become a carbon-neutral university and ultimately deliver positive benefits for humankind.”