Overgrazing and land degradation: A growing concern in Nepal

Overgrazing and land degradation: A growing concern in Nepal

In Nepal's Terai and Hill regions, the relentless pressure of increased grazing has taken a heavy toll on the soil's physical properties. The once-stable ability to retain water and essential nutrients has drastically diminished. This is posing significant threat to the region's ecosystems and communities

Overgrazing has significant negative effects on society and the economy. It frequently makes already vulnerable populations' problems worse, especially in rural areas. In many areas, livestock are an essential source of income and nutrition for many households. The livelihoods of people who depend on these animals are at risk when overgrazing damages pastures and depletes the land.

The high livestock-to-land ratio in Nepal makes overgrazing a serious problem for the nation. The Nepalese government has launched a number of attempts to address this problem. In an effort to promote sustainable grazing methods, they unveiled the Grazing Land Policy in 2001. The nation is grappling with contemporary challenges that have significant implications for its future well-being. Growing concern is the relentless growth of the population, which strains the country's resources and infrastructure. Alongside this demographic expansion, there is a concerning trend of declining agricultural productivity, which has sparked widespread concern among policymakers and agricultural experts alike.

Farmers are facing mounting pressure to meet the basic food needs of the populace, and they often resort to intensive cultivation methods to boost their yields. This involves clearing more land for agriculture, leading to the unsustainable utilization of forest resource. The excessive use of chemical fertilizers has taken its toll on the soil's fertility. While these chemicals can enhance short-term crop yields, they often have detrimental long-term effects on soil health.

अत्यधिक चरन र भूमि क्षय: नेपालमा बढ्दो चिन्ता

नेपालमा भूमि प्रलोभन र भूमि संकटका कुरा हेर्दा, खसी, बक्सी, खोट्याङ्स, गैन्डा, र अन्य बढी गरिएका जनावरहरूले भूमि पर्पर्दामा पाइने घाँस, वनस्पति, र फाइचरहरूलाई कुसिएको छन्। यसका परिणामस्वरूप, भूमि संकटमा बदलिएको परिपर्दामका समस्या पनि बढेको छ। भूमि पर्पर्दाम नगर्नका कारण, खसी र अन्य जनावरहरूले घाँस, झारु, र अन्य वनस्पतिहरूलाई नियमित रूपमा खान थालेका छन्, जसले भूमि प्राकृतिक गर्भबाट पर्पर्दाममा निर्मित गरेको छ। यसले नेपालका भूमि संरक्षण र जलवायु परिणामका साथै खेती र पशुपालनका लागि उपयुक्त भूमि बिच कमी पुर्याएको छ।

नेपालले यस समस्यालाई सुरक्षित गर्नका लागि उपयुक्त नीति र उपायहरू बनाएको छ, जसले भूमि प्रलोभन र भूमि संकटको समस्यासँग सामग्री बराबरी गर्दछ। उचित पशुपालन प्रबन्धन, आदर्श भूमि संरक्षण, र पारिस्थितिकी परिणामका खेती प्रथाहरूले भूमि प्रलोभन र भूमि संकटलाई कम गर्नमा सहयोग पनि गरेका छन्।जनावरहरूको अत्यधिक भूमि खानका परिणामस्वरूप, वनस्पतिहरू र प्राकृतिक भूमि पर्पर्दाममा पर्याप्त संरक्षण गर्न सकिएको छैन। 

यस गरि,नेपालमा सामुदायिक सहयोग र उचित नीति अपनाउनका आवश्यकता छ र यसले नेपालको पर्पर्दाम भूमि र खेतीका लागि सुरक्षित भविष्यमा सहयोग पनि पुर्याउँदैछ।