Out-of-date milk to biodegradable fibre

Out-of-date milk to biodegradable fibre

Out-of-date milk to biodegradable fibre

Source: https://www.lifestyleasia.com/ind/style/fashion/natures-fashion-from-milk-to-dandelions-to-spider-silk/

Fibres based on the milk protein casein are far from new since they were developed by an Italian chemist and engineer during the interwar period. Two birds, one stone. While the process established in the 1930s has been improved, it remains broadly the same. It involves using expired milk and transforming it into a natural and biodegradable textile. Brands that have taken the plunge, like Germaine des Prés, which offers panties and nightdresses made using milk fibre, which is guaranteed to be antibacterial and 100% biodegradable.