Ohi Partners with EcoCart to Offer Brands a Carbon-Neutral E-Commerce Fulfillment Option

Ohi Partners with EcoCart to Offer Brands a Carbon-Neutral E-Commerce Fulfillment Option

Ohi Partners with EcoCart to Offer Brands a Carbon-Neutral E-Commerce Fulfillment Option

Source: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/partnership-minimize-carbon-footprint-171323930.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJ-RaPw2rPdHviINEnreoQikOvXofVWOqRh1ub4ORroxiQFBTNwRaFfcTKlvxZri8ez_37xfUTNVpL-bBdotnQMAQ_DoUe55cRIvh2k4cUMAygBdEa4Nglh4wBqlWwWj6wsYlEsifd27aoI00NHbkZ9VBGIeboOwIbYV1cVX4Tm2

Author: David Moin

Ohi, an “instant commerce” platform that provides deliveries in under two hours in eight markets, has partnered with EcoCart to offer a carbon-neutral e-commerce fulfillment option to brands and their customers. Through the partnership, merchants that use Ohi’s service can minimize the carbon footprint associated with the delivery of their e-commerce orders through the use of carbon offsets. Ohi said over 50 brands utilize its platform including Health-Ade, Athletic Brewing, Akaline Water, SolaWave and Untuckit, and that all brands on its platform will soon be enabled with the EcoCart feature, with voluntary opt-out at any time