Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough: The Future Of Clean, Limitless Energy
On December 5, U.S. scientists at the National Ignition Facility in California generated more energy from a nuclear fusion reaction than they put in. The experimental result is a massive nuclear energy breakthrough in a century-long quest to unlock the power of the sun on earth. With more research and financial investment, researchers believe we’re within four decades of producing 100% clean, limitless energy. New technologies could pull CO2 from the atmosphere at scale, mitigating climate change and reducing pollution-induced human casualties. Battery technology could advance, allowing for mass adoption of clean energy production and storage for homes, vehicles and more. On a grand, long-term scale, fusion energy could eliminate humanity’s emissions, allowing for a cleaner, greener, healthier planet – not to mention, elevated living for all of humanity. And the long-term potential of a fusion-heavy future is simply staggering. Unlike coal and fossil fuels, fusion reactions generate no CO2 emissions or other byproducts. And since it runs on hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe, it’s virtually limitless in its production potential.