Not everyone aware sustainable diets are about helping the planet

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Not everyone aware sustainable diets are about helping the planet

Not everyone aware sustainable diets are about helping the planet


Author: Bournemouth University

A new study has found that young Brits would be willing to change to a more sustainable diet, but a lack of understanding about what that actually means is preventing many from doing so. Sustainable diets are defined by the UN as "diets with low environmental impacts which contribute to food and nutrition security and to healthy life for present and future generations." Previous research has suggested that 20-30% of environmental impacts in Europe and the UK originate from our diets, including impacts from food production, processing and retail. It is also now widely accepted that the consumption of meat and animal products typically has a higher environmental impact than plant-based foods. "We need to promote greater awareness and knowledge of how changes to eating habits can go some way to helping the planet, while also offering some suggested changes that are likely to be acceptable and acted upon," explained Professor Appleton. Participants were unclear what would make their food choices more environmentally sustainable. When it came to making changes to their diet, participants explained that they would be willing to do that to help the environment, but there was significant uncertainty about what changes they should make. There was particular interest in making small and easy changes - for example, eating less meat but not cutting it out completely and being prepared to pay a little bit more for it, but not significantly more.