No dirty water will flow into Yamuna by December-end, 2022

No dirty water will flow into Yamuna by December-end, 2022

No dirty water will flow into Yamuna by December-end, 2022


The over 1,300-km-long Yamuna is among the most polluted rivers in the country and also provides water to more than half of the national capital. National Mission for Clean Ganga Director General G Asok Kumar said there are 18 drains that deliver dirty water into the Yamuna, and plans are afoot to tap these drains and divert the dirty water to sewage treatment plants. "We are also trying to find out about the nonpoint sources like the ones which also cause froth in the river. We are also trying to look at the dhobi ghats  through which a lot of soap is coming into the water. We are trying to address those nonpoint sources too and see they do not add pollution to the river," he said. Just 2 per cent or 22 km of Yamuna falls in Delhi, but 98 per cent of pollution in the Yamuna comes from the national capital due to untreated or semi-treated industrial effluents or sewage that is being discharged into the river in the 22 km stretch. According to estimates made by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Delhi generates 3,800 million litres of sewage per day.