New voluntary guide to help farmers reduce ammonia emissions

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New voluntary guide to help farmers reduce ammonia emissions

New voluntary guide to help farmers reduce ammonia emissions


It is repod that agriculture is responsible for 88% of UK emissions of ammonia gas and this voluntary guide will help farmers improve air quality. The voluntary code has been written by Defra in collaboration with the National Farmers Union (NFU), the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board and the Agricultural Industries Confederation. The UK’s Clean Air Strategy highlights that agriculture is responsible for the majoirty of UK emissions of ammonia gas, which ‘over-fertilises’ natural habitats with nitrogen and combines with other pollutants to produce fine Particulate Matter pollution which is harmful to human health. The guide titled ‘Code of Good Agricultural Practice (COGAP) for Reducing Ammonia Emissions’, sets out simple steps all farmers can follow to reduce ammonia emissions. Environment Minister Thérèse Coffey said: “Air pollution is not just an urban issue and with 88% of ammonia emissions coming from farming, the government is taking conced action. “With clear new guidance and financial support we will help farmers across the country to take action, reduce emissions and help improve air quality.” In addition to the new guidance, Defra is providing a package of financial and technical advice to help farmers reduce their emissions. Defra is investing £3 million over the next three years to fund a specialist team of experts who will offer support, advice and guidance on the most effective ways to reduce emissions from ammonia on their land. It will also fund demonstrations of the latest low-emission spreading equipment and one-to-one advice on reducing ammonia emissions which will be available from Catchment Sensitive Farming officers by the end of this year.