Maliban goes green with its six subsidiaries receiving Carbon Footprint Certification

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Maliban goes green with its six subsidiaries receiving Carbon Footprint Certification

Maliban goes green with its six subsidiaries receiving Carbon Footprint Certificatio;n


The Maliban Group of Companies has invested heavily in broadening its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework, while solidifying its position as a responsible industry stakeholder. These efforts have brought the Organization global recognition, with regard to its eco-friendly manufacturing processes, with the Maliban Group of Companies now having received Carbon Footprint Certification for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions, from the Sri Lanka Climate Fund. “From our inception, sustainability and responsible business have been part of our ethos,” said, Managing Director of the Maliban Group, Kumudika Fernando, “This is reflected in our time-tested commitment to quality, with Maliban products now being enjoyed in over 40 countries, including the EU, Japan and many other jurisdictions with some of the strictest food safety standards in the world. In our endeavour to always be responsible and sustainable, we have also under taken the plantation of over 300+ acres of land, which no doubt provides us with a significant number of carbon credits, helping us to materially and measurably reduce our carbon footprint. At Maliban, our commitment to quality, the environment and our communities remains ever more resolute, as we mark this very significant milestone on our sustainability journey.”