Living on Solar & Wind - I would never do it again!
Author: Linda Gilbertson
Linda Gilbertson lived on solar and wind energy for 22 years. Linda says, " My husband and I put in solar and wind, but not to be green. It was because the power grid was 2 miles away from our property line. At the time it would cost more money to bring electricity to our property and then to the residence, than install a solar system and a wind generator. We used a gasoline generator to resupply the batteries when the sun did not shine and the wind did not blow, and when environmental conditions required. We used a generator sometimes instead of the system to pump water from the well into an above ground 1,500-gallon tank. Though the lithium batteries are less maintenance, they are more toxic and require special disposition. The shelf life of about 10 years, cost $8,000 replacement fee just three years ago. And if prior to those 10 years a battery should go bad, you just cannot replace the single battery. You must replace all of them otherwise the old batteries will drain the new one. Going totally green is a foolish, pie in the sky idea. I will never live on solar and wind again".