Kathmandu's air quality deteriorates to 'Unhealthy' levels, residents concerned

Kathmandu's air quality deteriorates to 'Unhealthy' levels, residents concerned

Compounded by the lingering aftermath of a devastating 2015 earthquake, the city confronts ongoing pollution challenges from dust and debris. In 2019, Kathmandu averaged a PM2.5 reading of 48 μg/m³, teetering on the 'unhealthy for sensitive groups' category, with occasional spikes, notably in January at 102.7 μg/m³, raising significant health concerns among its residents.

As the air quality worsens, the consequences for residents become increasingly evident. Families, children, and the elderly are forced to breathe in air laden with pollutants, which can lead to a host of health problems. Respiratory issues, allergies, and other related ailments are becoming pervasive, making it a daily struggle to maintain good health.

Kathmandu's escalating pollution results from a convergence of human and geographical factors. The city's unique location, nestled within a valley and bordered by mountains, traps pollutants. A significant contributor to the issue is the extensive fleet of vehicles, many of which are aging and equipped with outdated engines that run on diesel fuels. This combination results in the emission of concentrated fumes laden with noxious pollutants, significantly degrading air quality in the region. 

काठमाडौंको वायु गुणस्तर 'अस्वस्थ' मा कमी हुँदै, निवासी चिन्तित

काठमाडौंको वायुमा प्रदूषणको स्तर अस्वास्थ्य मात्र पुगेको छ भनेर भन्नका साथै, यसको परिणामस्वरूप अहिले स्थायी नागरिक चिन्तित छन्। पिछलो केहि वर्षको मध्यमार्गीय वायु गुणस्तरको तुलनामा, काठमाडौंको वायु गुणस्तर नियमितै घटेको छ। प्रदूषण, वायुमान, र गृहकर्मचारीहरूको यातायातका कारणमा, यस अस्वस्थ वायु गुणस्तरको वृद्धिको पीछा गरेको छ। यसका साथै, खुलामा जडान गरिएको वनस्पति बाट आउने धूम्रपानको प्रभाव पनि वायुमा बढेको छ। निवासीहरूको यस चिन्ता गर्दा, व्यक्तिगत र सार्वजनिक स्तरमा वायु गुणस्तरमा सुधार गर्नका लागि साथमा काम गर्नका लागि प्रयास गर्न अत्यन्त आवश्यक छ। सभागी नागरिकहरूको सहयोग र साझा दायित्वका साथ, हाम्रो शहरको वायु गुणस्तरलाई परिपुर्ण रूपमा सुधार गर्न पनि संभावना छ।