It’s not easy being green
Author: Ele Clark
You may have a toothbrush made of bamboo, a reusable water bottle or coffee cup and cycle to work, but are those efforts all in vain if you don’t also recycle soft plastics at your local supermarket? Consumers tells that they want food retailers and businesses to provide more information on their packaging to make it easier to buy eco-friendly groceries, and for the government to put tighter controls on the claims that can be made on foods. Another barrier to buying greener products is price. Take heating your home. While there are government grants to put towards installing low-carbon heat pumps, unease remains about costs. If only wealthy households can actually afford to become more environmentally friendly, this won’t be viable long term. Customers should know that when they buy new products and services, they are safe, repairable and properly sustainable, and that the option of effective redress should things go wrong is readily available.