India’s initiative towards sustainable environment

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India’s initiative towards sustainable environment

India’s initiative towards sustainable environment



As part of Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment), the Indian Government unveiled a list of 75 lifestyle practices that can promote climate-friendly behaviour. These actions are listed under 7 categories namely energy saving, water saving, reduced use of single-use plastic, sustainable food systems, waste reduction (swachhata actions), adopting healthy lifestyle and e-waste handling. For reducing plastic use, 11 actions were highlighted in which one was use of recycled plastic over virgin plastic wherever possible. This also leaves room for a special kind of plastic called Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) which will need to be seen from a new prism of a green economy. PET plastic packaging can be made not only from its virgin grade but also from recycled PET (rPET) as it is upto 100% recyclable. It not only recaptures the energy, but also translates into numerous life cycles for PET plastic bottles. Currently, all over the world, everyone is focusing on circular economy, and so is India. Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change  has played a pivotal role in promoting circular economy across all key sectors by actively formulating policies and promoting projects to drive the country towards a circular economy. Circular economy is cyclic in nature, directing the economy towards reuse, as opposed to waste at the end of a product’s lifecycle.