IKEA reduces emissions with home delivery by boat

Image Source: https://www.warpnews.org/

IKEA reduces emissions with home delivery by boat

IKEA reduces emissions with home delivery by boat

Source: https://www.warpnews.org/transportation/ikea-reduces-emissions-with-home-delivery-by-boat/

Author: Kent Olofsson

By shipping its home deliveries via river barge as far as possible, IKEA can both lower its emissions and make more deliveries in Paris. According to IKEA, this should lead to the company's transports emitting five times less carbon dioxide. In addition, IKEA will reduce its road transports in Paris by 300,000 kilometers each year, helping to reduce congestion on Paris streets. “Developing river transport is not an option but a necessity for Paris and we will encourage all projects in that direction. IKEA's solution is a perfect example of what we want to support and develop in the future." says Pierre Rabadan, deputy mayor of Paris, in a press release. The idea is that IKEA's transports to those living in Paris will go via the Seine as far as possible. Then, electric vans will take over the very last bit to homes and offices. An additional advantage is that IKEA expects to be able to make more home deliveries when the transports are not stuck in traffic on the streets of Paris.