How Cycling Can Aid Food Startups in Meeting Consumer Demand for Sustainability

How Cycling Can Aid Food Startups in Meeting Consumer Demand for Sustainability

How Cycling Can Aid Food Startups in Meeting Consumer Demand for Sustainability



Startups in 2023 can’t afford to skip sustainability. According to a McKinsey study, almost 80% of American consumers put value into a sustainable lifestyle and are likely to spend more money on products/services that meet their eco-values. This remains relevant across industries, including in the food sector. 

If you’re a food startup, you might be considering how you can create a more eco-conscious business model to meet the demands of your audience. That’s where bicycles come in. Using the power of pedaling you can reduce the CO2 emissions of your entire company, delivering food to your customers without the footprint!

Around a third of Americans are currently buying what they believe to be sustainable food products, whilst over half want to understand more about the environmental impact of the food they eat. This has led to companies offering a wider variety of eco-conscious options, from organic vegetables to dairy-free cheese. In other words, consumers want eco-friendly food!

As a food startup, therefore, it’s vital you focus on sustainability to meet growing demand. This eco trend isn’t going anywhere soon. In fact, there’s plenty of research that shows eco-consciousness is going to continue to grow, with brands that don’t comply struggling to find success in the future.