Heat Pumps: Cut Your Carbon Footprint

Image Source: https://www.waylandenews.com/

Heat Pumps: Cut Your Carbon Footprint

Heat Pumps: Cut Your Carbon Footprint

Source: https://www.waylandenews.com/2022/12/11/heat-pumps-cut-your-carbon-footprint/

The HeatSmart Alliance mission is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by accelerating adoption of energy-efficient heat pumps in Massachusetts homes and businesses. Founded in 2020, the organization has grown to over 65 volunteers representing over 30 Massachusetts communities. Some of their volunteers provide free coaching on heat pump adoption to residents in their communities. MetroWest Climate Solutions’ mission is to inspire sustainable, resilient, and equitable communities and to host timely, relevant programs that encourage people and organizations to get involved in bringing about solutions. Join MetroWest Climate Solutions on January 17 at 7pm for a webinar with Steve Breit, cofounder of HeatSmart Alliance. Steve will explain why heat pumps can greatly reduce your home’s climate impact, which type of heat pump might be right for your home, what it will cost you to install and operate. He’ll also summarize available incentives. Following Steve, three local residents will talk about their experiences installing heat pumps in their homes