Gen Z is demanding ethical, environmentally friendly fashion brands

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Gen Z is demanding ethical, environmentally friendly fashion brands

Gen Z is demanding ethical, environmentally friendly fashion brands


Author: Sandesh Ambhore

While others have a tendency of blindly consuming products sans much thought into their environmental impact, Gen Z is not only cognizant of their own choices but also recognize that it is the responsibility of garment manufacturers to deal with social and ecological challenges. Young people are actively taking the lead in the sustainability movement and are willing to spend even twice as much on sustainable products from brands that are conscious of the environment and contribute toward a healthier planet. Nine of ten Generation Z customers think businesses should address social and environmental issues. Latter’s inclusion represents a shift from the perspective of the preceding millennial generation that was more concerned with the environment. Younger shoppers are very worried about social and environmental concerns, which many people believe to be the most important ones of our day, and monumentally impactful on our future. They more frequently support their ideals through their purchasing decisions, supporting companies that adhere to their beliefs and opposing those that don’t. Strong voices take the initiative in terms of protests, pages on social media, and awareness or charity campaigns.