FABRIC "a Tempe charity" contributes to become more sustainable

With its new Kornit Presto printer, FABRIC can create personalized prints on a 3-D rendering to reduce the waste of prototypes.

FABRIC "a Tempe charity" contributes to become more sustainable

FABRIC "a Tempe charity" contributes to become more sustainable

Source: https://ktar.com/story/5020904/heres-how-some-arizona-businesses-are-making-fashion-more-sustainable/

Author: Payton Major

FABRIC, a Tempe charity, contributes to this initiative by assisting apparel firms with production and training them how to make their enterprises more sustainable by producing things when clients order them and reusing local resources. Angela Johnson, the company's co-founder and award-winning designer, designs her own fashion-forward products. “Fashion is the second most polluting industry on the planet,” Johnson said. “It’s second to the oil industry and probably catching up very fast, and so it’s ready to be disrupted.” That’s why FABRIC is pushing to change the industry through technology and through its annual eco-fashion week, which celebrates Earth Day and features apparel made locally with donated denim scraps.