EU Proposes First Measures to Limit Plastic Pollution From Vehicle Tyres

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EU Proposes First Measures to Limit Plastic Pollution From Vehicle Tyres

EU Proposes First Measures to Limit Plastic Pollution From Vehicle Tyres


Author: Sarah Baulch 

European Union policymakers could soon set limits for brake and tyre emissions in the EU, a move that would help curb one of the leading sources of microplastic pollution in the world. Earlier this month, the European Commission published a legislative proposal setting a path to regulating emissions from tyres and brakes in the coming years. Vehicle tyre particles are estimated to be one of the largest sources of microplastic emissions, contributing around 1 million metric tons of plastic pollution to the environment globally each year. Tyres are made from a mixture of natural and synthetic rubber as well as a type of plastic polymer and other chemical compounds. Once in the environment, microplastics have been shown to have negative effects on living things both on land and in the water. For example, studies have found that microplastics can not only decrease the health and survival of coral and plankton but can also potentially affect soil ecosystems and plant growth. In addition, microplastics can end up in the food chain and have been found in salt, beer and drinking water. Under the new European Commission proposal, the Commission will set out emission limits for brakes and tyres in a report due to be published by the end of 2024. This limit would mean that tyres with the highest microplastic generation rates would no longer be permitted to be sold in Europe and could lead to significant reductions in microplastic pollution throughout the EU.