Ensure Regenerative Agriculture Wherever Possible: Things to Look For in Emerging Sustainable Food Brands

Ensure Regenerative Agriculture Wherever Possible: Things to Look For in Emerging Sustainable Food Brands

Ensure Regenerative Agriculture Wherever Possible: Things to Look For in Emerging Sustainable Food Brands

Source: https://www.themanual.com/food-and-drink/sustainable-food-brands/

Regenerative agriculture is not a new concept. Indigenous people used it for hundreds of years and still do. It’s essentially a holistic approach to farming that connects and improves the entire surrounding ecosystem. It focuses on topsoil regeneration. This method minimizes the amount of topsoil lost in the farming process. In turn, less carbon is released into the atmosphere, the soil is more biodiverse, and more nutrient-rich foods can be grown. Big farming and its use of GMOs and pesticides result in more of a scorched-earth approach. Overall, a much less eco-friendly method. “Food brands with regenerative supply chains don’t need to convince consumers to try new products; they just need to get consumers to switch to new versions of the same products they already enjoy, but with better environmental footprints.”