Ending plastic pollution; protecting our blue planet

Ending plastic pollution; protecting our blue planet

Ending plastic pollution; protecting our blue planet

Source: https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/speech/ending-plastic-pollution-protecting-our-blue-planet

The triple planetary crisis of climate change, nature and biodiversity loss and pollution and waste is upon us and bearing down harder every year. If we do not act strongly, this crisis will crush our chances of delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals. We can forget about ending hunger and poverty, delivering peace and equity, and living in harmony with the natural world. This year, however, the international community has demonstrated the will to act with the force and speed needed to halt the triple planetary crisis. Stockholm +50 showed that the world is ready for system-wide transformations that place human well-being at the centre of a healthy planet. And, a few months earlier, in March, the Nairobi spirit of consensus-based diplomacy delivered high-impact outcomes at the fifth United Nations Environment Assembly, or UNEA 5.2.