Earth day 2022 - Invest in our planet "Build healthy cities, countries, and economies"

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Earth day 2022 - Invest in our planet "Build healthy cities, countries, and economies"

Earth day 2022 - Invest in our planet "Build healthy cities, countries, and economies"


When it comes to climate change, money talks. Through regulations, incentives, and public/private partnerships, governments hold the keys to transform and build the green economy. Similar to the industrial and information revolutions, governments must incentivize their citizens, businesses, and institutions to build a resilient future. Ultimately, governments will empower green business practices as not only the ethical option but also the lucrative one. For example, in the U.S., clean energy jobs provide earnings +25% above the national median wage, and outpace fossil fuel extraction/generation jobs by three-to-one, employing more Americans than middle or elementary school teachers, bankers, farmers, or real estate agents. And yet, we still incentivize technology that is damaging our future growth.