Drones Used to Identify Pollution

Quincey Johnson, left, and Martin Lively, fly their drones during a training session, Tuesday, June 7, 2022, in Poolesville, Md

Drones Used to Identify Pollution

Drones Used to Identify Pollution

Source: https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/drones-used-to-identify-pollution/6645809.html

Drones permit activists to discover areas that would otherwise be difficult to travel to or may be costly to find. The unmanned aircraft are especially useful for searching for polluted areas surrounded by private land. Images captured by drones permit environmentalists to build legal cases against polluters through the U.S. Clean Water Act. This law aims to protect the nation’s water from numerous forms of pollution. The Clean Water Act permits individuals – not just federal officials – to enforce the law. But even though drones can be very useful in searching out polluted areas, they are rarely used in this way. Walls hopes to change that. Because of the pollution, the river water is tested often. But a drone can go a step further. It can help see, for example, whether cleaned up properties might be re-polluted during floods.