Demand for green technology, less fossil fuel will leave us in a sulfur shortage, experts warn

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Demand for green technology, less fossil fuel will leave us in a sulfur shortage, experts warn

Demand for green technology, less fossil fuel will leave us in a sulfur shortage, experts warn


Author: Jocelyn Solis Moreira

A recent study from the University College London suggests a sulfur shortage could stifle advancements in green technology and threaten global food security. With increased farming and the world moving away from fossil fuels, geographers estimate global demand for sulfuric acid will rise to 246 to 400 million tons by 2040. However, depending on how quickly decarbonization happens, there may only be 100 to 320 million tons available for use. About 80% of the sulfur supply worldwide is in the form of sulfur waste. Sulfur waste comes from the desulfurization of crude oil and natural gas that reduces sulfur dioxide gas emissions and causes acid rain. The study authors suggest that if action is not taken to reduce the need for sulfur, there will be a high demand for mining to compensate for the remaining amount, damaging the environment in the process.