Dairy leadership in sustainability

Dairy leadership in sustainability

Dairy leadership in sustainability

Source: https://sustainablebrands.com/read/collaboration-cocreation/us-dairy-industry-quietly-leads-the-way-toward-sustainability

Author: David Darr

Dairy farmers have always taken pride in providing a highly nutritious product while being responsible with resources. As part of this responsibility, dairy was the first agricultural commodity to perform a life cycle assessment - in 2008. “Our farmers and industry understood that we needed to be able to chart our progress - both in our ability to move things forward - but also to make sure that we were pursuing practices and technologies that were financially feasible,” says Lisa Watson of the Dairy Innovation Center. “We were going to be able to go further faster if we pulled our whole chain together in those areas that were pre-competitive. And that's really the foundation upon which the Innovation Center for US Dairy was formed.”