Cycling and walking can help reduce physical inactivity and air pollution, save lives and mitigate climate change

Cycling and walking can help reduce physical inactivity and air pollution, save lives and mitigate climate change

Cycling and walking can help reduce physical inactivity and air pollution, save lives and mitigate climate change


Cycling and walking can help fight overweight and reduce physical inactivity, which causes one million deaths per year in the European Region. Both means of active transport can also help to reduce air pollution that claims more than half a million deaths every year. Evidence shows that investments in policies that promote safe cycling and walking can play a crucial role in shaping health, mitigating climate change and improving the environment, according to a new WHO publication. Significant shifts toward walking and cycling can address problems resulting from current transport patterns - including emissions of air pollutants, greenhouse gases and noise; traffic injuries; and limited opportunities for physical activity and use of public space - states the report ‘Walking and cycling: latest evidence to support policymaking’, presented at the Bonn Dialogue on Environment and Health, and hosted by the WHO European Centre for Environment and Health.