Climate change causing floods across Nepal

Climate change causing floods across Nepal

Heavy rainfall and flooding across Nepal highlight the urgent need for climate-smart infrastructure and climate change compensation. Ujjwal Upadhayay, a climate change expert, explains how human-induced climate change worsens natural disasters like floods. Nepal, being one of the most climate-vulnerable countries, must seek compensation at global events like COP to support affected communities and invest in resilient infrastructure.

Experts warn that climate change is making natural disasters like floods worse in Nepal. They call for better infrastructure planning and more funds to deal with climate impacts. Ujjwal Upadhayay, a climate change expert with the project CAP at CREASION, says climate change, driven by human activities, is a major cause of the recent floods. "Climate change is behind the floods in Kathmandu and across Nepal," he said. To reduce damage and loss of life, experts say infrastructure must be climate-smart. Roads, buildings, and bridges should be designed to handle extreme weather. Upadhayay stressed the need for Disaster Management Task Forces in every municipality and ward. "These task forces should act quickly to address climate disasters before official rescue teams arrive," he added.

Nepal is ranked as the fourth most climate-vulnerable country, making it highly at risk from climate change. At global events like COP, Nepal should push for loss and damage funds. During COP 28, developed countries suggested a $100 billion USD climate finance fund to help victims of climate change. Upadhayay emphasized, "Nepal needs more funds to cope with the heavy burden of climate change." He also said these funds should be used not only for compensation but also for green projects like climate-resilient infrastructure. "Part of the fund should go to people who suffered losses, and another part should be invested in infrastructure and livelihoods that can withstand climate impacts," he explained.