Climate change a reality in Florida

Climate change a reality in Florida

Climate change a reality in Florida


Author: Malcolm Harvey

Global warming and climate change are prominent, ongoing issues that have a detrimental effect on people, flora, fauna and our infrastructure. Florida is highlighted as one of the primary states to experience such drastic changes in weather patterns. During the past week, it was recorded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, that there have been abnormally dry conditions in the Tampa Bay region even though Florida’s weather is typically more humid than dry. The lack of rainfall in Central Florida has direct ties to La Niña, a period in which global weather patterns are subject to extensive change. However, when it comes to rising sea levels affecting areas of South Florida and the bleaching of coral beaches, the problem becomes more alarming. The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on climate change mentions that due to the accelerating climb in sea levels, Floridians could be forced to retreat more inland. Miami-Dade County has made efforts to install stormwater pumps and raise roads and buildings to address sea level rises, but this hasn’t turned out to be the ideal solution as it has raised property values in the county.